The Last League of your Pregnancy. Are you ready for the third trimester?
You are pregnant and you are powerful. You are bold and you are beautiful. Go forward in your boldness, in your beauty and in your contentedness. Trust your body to birth and know that the collective power of women worldwide will be with you.
Wow! You’re already down to your third and last trimester. How are you feeling? Nervous? Excited? Want to get it over with? Your feelings and emotions, be it positive or not-so-positive are totally valid. You have done so amazingly well in the first and second trimesters and now, in a few more weeks, you’ll be carrying your baby in your loving arms. It can all get a little overwhelming as you are not sure what to expect. Moving into the third trimester can be scary for some women as this indicates more rapid growth of your baby, belly and body.
In this final phase of pregnancy, your baby is completing the final touches of its development before it comes into the world. This can mean more martial art kicks and somersaults in your belly. It can get sort of uncomfortable as the more your baby grows, the less movement space it has with stronger nudges. You may also have difficulty in sleeping, moving and getting things done as your belly rapidly grows into a gigantic watermelon. You will get over it soon, but you got to hang in there for now! Here are some of the other things you might experience.
– Shortness of breath
- As your belly expands due to the growing of the uterus, grows higher in your abdomen, and presses on your diaphragm, breathing can be difficult.
– Frequent urination
- As the baby grows bigger and moves lower into the pelvis, it adds more pressure on the bladder making you do some extra trips to the washroom.